ACE Items Needed

Announced by Anonymous on Sep 04 2013

Thanks for helping ACE with our Bible, science, social studies, and art projects with your recyclables..
At this time we have enough of the following:
egg cartons
water bottles (all sizes)  (you'll see these in use in the next newsletter!)
milk jugs  (if you already have them saved for me, bring them in, I could use just a couple more)
Plastic Nutter butter/teddy grahams containers (the $1 kind) (again, if you have them for me, send them in. I can use them another year)
Still needed:
buttons of all shapes and sizes
paper towel rolls and toilet paper rolls (I nearly have enough of these, a couple more weeks should do)
plastic frosting containers
clorex wipes containers
tennis ball containers
pringles containers
plastic cotton containers ($1 kind or $3 kind)
plastic six pack rings.
Please don't go out and specifically purchase any of these.  If you use these products, just send in the empty containers.  Thanks so much!